Analog Devices, Inc.
Analog Devices, Inc.
Analog Devices (NASDAQ: ADI) is a world leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of a broad portfolio of high performance analog, mixed-signal, and digital signal processing (DSP) integrated circuits (ICs) used in virtually all types of electronic equipment. Since their inception in 1965, they have focused on solving the engineering challenges associated with signal processing in electronic equipment. Used by over 100,000 customers worldwide, their signal processing products play a fundamental role in converting, conditioning, and processing real-world phenomena such as temperature, pressure, sound, light, speed, and motion into electrical signals to be used in a wide array of electronic devices. Maxim Integrated is now part of Analog Devices. Combined, they offer an expanded suite of top-performing mixed-signal and power management technologies to help customers succeed in an increasingly digital, ubiquitously sensed and connected world. Together, they extensive breadth of engineering capabilities and depth of domain expertise help our customers solve their most complex problems from DC to 100 GHz, from nanowatts to kilowatts and sensor to cloud.
Analog Devices, Inc. 相关产品
- 传感器、变送器 (1965)
- 配件 (16)
- 扩音器 (101)
- 颜色传感器 (7)
- 磁性传感器 - 罗盘、磁场(模块) (1)
- 磁性传感器 - 线性、罗盘 (IC) (6)
- 磁性传感器 - 开关(固态) (4)
- 运动传感器 - 加速度计 (206)
- 运动传感器 - 陀螺仪 (70)
- 运动传感器 - IMU(惯性测量单元) (66)
- 运动传感器 - 测斜仪 (4)
- 运动传感器 - 振动 (7)
- 多功能的 (8)
- 光学传感器 - 环境光、红外线、紫外线传感器 (39)
- 光学传感器 - 光电二极管 (4)
- 位置传感器 - 角度、线性位置测量 (11)
- 专用传感器 (53)
- 温度传感器 - 模拟和数字输出 (1045)
- 温度传感器 - RTD(电阻温度检测器) (1)
- 温度传感器 - 恒温器 - 固态 (316)
- 开发板、套件、编程器 (11322)
- 配件 (191)
- 评估板 - 模数转换器 (ADC) (1224)
- 评估板 - 音频放大器 (176)
- 评估板 - DC/DC 和 AC/DC(离线)SMPS (2185)
- 评估板 - 数模转换器 (DAC) (426)
- 评估板 - 嵌入式 - 复杂逻辑(FPGA、CPLD) (2)
- 评估板 - 嵌入式 - MCU、DSP (202)
- 评估板 - 扩展板、子卡 (155)
- 评估板 - LED 驱动器 (263)
- 评估板 - 线性稳压器 (212)
- 评估板 - 运算放大器 (539)
- 评估板 - 传感器 (331)
- 评估和演示板及套件 (3689)
- 程序员、仿真器和调试器 (35)
- 编程适配器、套接字 (9)
- 射频评估和开发套件、电路板 (1650)
- RFID 评估和开发套件、电路板 (4)
- 软件、服务 (29)